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Climate Change Adaptation in Urban India An Approach for Inclusive Formulation of Local Adaptation Strategies

  • Authors (legacy)
    Corresponding: Anna C. Jonsson
    Co-authors: Jonsson A.C., Rydhagen B., Wilk J., Feroz A.R., Rani A. and Kumar A.
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In Kota, the third largest city of Rajasthan, poverty levels are high in many areas and there is a great need to assess the vulnerability and adaptive capacity of different societal groups and sectors to the impacts of climatic variability and change, and to formulate sustainable planning strategies. The city is a large rapidly growing centre (but not a megacity), facing a varied and challenging water situation and anticipated harmful effects of climate change. The methodological approach involves participatory workshops with key stakeholders in urban administration to identify vulnerabilities, and discuss concrete strategies for increasing the adaptive capacity of the most vulnerable areas and sectors. The paper focuses on water resource planning (storm, potable, and wastewater), since it is already a challenging societal issue and one which will become even more critical in the future with climate change. We aim to contribute to improved urban water management for sustainable climate change adaptation in developing countries through an improved methodology of vulnerability assessments, capacity building and social learning, and a deeper empirical understanding of an urban context in Central India.


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Jonsson, A.C. et al. (2015) “Climate Change Adaptation in Urban India An Approach for Inclusive Formulation of Local Adaptation Strategies”, Global NEST Journal, 17(1). Available at: