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Utilization of textile fibres from worn automobile tires in cement based mortars

  • Authors (legacy)
    Mavridou S. and Oikonomou N.

This research paper focuses on the properties of laboratory made cement mortars modified with
textile from worn automobile tires. Textile, in the form of fibres, has been added to cement mortars at
various percentages of total cement mortar volume, which ranged from 0-2.0%. Properties of mortartextile-
aggregates mixtures such as consistency-workability-, bulk density as well as mechanical
ones such as dynamic modulus of elasticity, compressive and flexural strengths have been studied.
Moreover, water absorption under vacuum and capillarity by suction of such mixtures have been
measured, as a preliminary examination of cement mortars’ durability. The study of the mixtures has
been completed by the observation of their microstructure. All properties have been tested according
to European Specifications.
Laboratory results showed that properties of cement mortars, modified with textile from worn
automobile tires, were found to be familiar to the ones of the control mixture (with no additive).
Incidentally, a solid waste material such as textile fibers from worn automobile tires can be utilized
properly in cement products providing an opportunity to recycle non-reusable end of life tires and as
a result contributing to the protection of the environment.

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