The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
Assessment model application of water supply system management in crisis situations
Water Resources Management
Due to the fact that water systems belong to critical infrastructure, diverse methods of its management assessment during crisis situations are applied. In these methods both technical aspects and human factors, that have an impact on safety of water supply to the recipient, are considered. Also...
Bayesian model of urban water safety management
Water Resources Management
Water supply system is a critical infrastructure. Main task of urban water system is to provide consumers with drinking water in adequate quantity, at the required quality and pressure corresponding to current standards. For the purposes of this paper, operational reliability of the water supply...
Integrated management of karstic waters – A case study of the Zlatibor mountain massif, Serbia
Water Resources Management
The Zlatibor mountain massif has significantly changed for the past 20 years due to the development of tourism, which has resulted in an increase in water consumption and environmental threats. This area abounds in considerable surface and groundwater resources, which are not utilised adequately...
A management framework for the efficient use of surface water resources in Sithonia Peninsula (Greece)
The Peninsula of Sithonia is one of many typical regions in Greece in which overexploitation of local aquifers has led to several serious problems related to quantity and quality degradation of groundwater reserves. In this paper, a management plan is presented that aims at the utilization of the so...
Water demand and supply analysis using a spatial decision support system
A prototype Spatial Decision Support System for the evaluation of water demand and supply management schemes is presented. The water basin is topologically mapped to a network of spatial objects representing the physical entities and their connections. Several GIS functions, which include data input...
Removal efficiency of antibiotics from water through constructed wetlands, a review
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Contamination in water bodies with antibiotics and resistance genes is becoming an increasing threat to global health. Overuse of antibiotics has become a serious ecological problem worldwide. There is growing concern that antibiotics are losing their effectiveness due to increased antibiotic...
Multi-criteria reservoir water management
The Plastiras dam was constructed in the late 1950s mainly for electric power production, but it has also partially covered irrigation needs and water supply of the plain of Thessaly. Later, the site has been designated as an environment conservation zone because of ecological and landscape values...
Benefits, Challenges and Sucess Factors of Water Safety Plan Implementation: A Review
Water Resources Management
Drinking water supply is a preeminent to public health, environmental protection, quality of life, economic activity, and sustainable development. Many disasters are being recorded due to poor water quality every day. In this case, it is essential to assure safe water demand through continuous...
Integrated urban water modelling using Aquacycle model
The traditional approach to urban water management is primarily based on a supply-oriented approach, where water follows a one-way path from supply to a single use, treatment and then discharged to the environment. The wide acknowledgement of the need to shift towards more sustainable practices has...
Water resources and groundwater quality in North Peloponnesus (Greece)
Groundwater plays an important role for urban and agricultural water supply in northern part of Peloponnesus. Despite increasing environmental awareness in this area, groundwater is a resource that is being stressed. Groundwater provides about 80% the total quantity of water supply. Distribution of...
Effect of Zeolux and Filters Backwash Water (FBWW) on Plant Growth and Yield of Sage (Salvia Officinalis) Plant
Water and wastewater reuse
Jordan is one of the few countries with constricted water resources, having one of the lowest per capita water levels in the world (Ministry of Agriculture, 2015). Jordan's available water resources per person are predicted to fall from less than 160 m3/capita/year to roughly 90 m3/capita/year by...
Water quality: its practical implications to sustainable development in the Pearl River Delta, China
This paper reviews the interactions between water supply, surface water quality, environmental management and sustainable development in the Pearl River Delta. As an economic center of the Pearl River Delta, Hong Kong has to import about 80 % of its potable water from Dongjiang. Ironically, the...
Formation of chlorinated organics in drinking water of Instanbul (Turkey) and Salerno (Italy)
The occurrence of THMs and HAAs, and other volatile organics in Istanbul (Turkey) and Salerno (Italy) surface water resources was investigated by the previous and present data obtained on raw, coagulated, pre-chlorinated, pre-ozonated water samples. The present drinking water directives/regulations...
Using a market-type allocation system to confront water scarcity: an inter-district approach in Greece
Water Resources Management
This study examines the implication of a market-based system to allocate water regionally in one of the most intensively irrigated areas of Greece. The proposed approach combines elements from administrative allocation and tradable water rights in order to assess several water supply scenarios under...
Temporal variability of disinfection by-products concentration in urban public water system
The occurrence of trihalomethanes (THMs) was studied in the drinking water samples from urban water supply network of Karachi city that served more than 18 million people. Drinking water samples were collected from 58 locations in summer (May-August) and winter (November-February) seasons. The major...
Drops for crops: modelling crop water productivity on a global scale
There is an emerging need to support water and food policy and decision making at the global and national levels. A systematic tool that is capable of analyzing water-food relationships with high spatial resolutions would be very useful. A GEPIC model has recently been developed by integrating a...
Water quantity and quality monitoring of Kosynthos river, North-Eastern Greece
An investigation of the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of Kosynthos river flow is presented. Four monitoring sites were established along Kosynthos river for the period October 2003 to October 2005 where discharge and water quality parameters were monitored. River flow processes have...
Statistical analysis of trihalomethanes in treated-water tanks: seasonality, local variability and correlations
Chlorine was accepted as an effective disinfectant for drinking water in early 1900s. Because of chlorination, chlorine has dramatically reduced the incidence of waterborne diseases. An unwanted side effect is the formation of harmful by-products upon chlorination. The most significant group of...
Volatile organic compounds in the finished water of the water treatment plant in Thessaloniki, Greece
Chlorination has been the most widely used technology for the disinfection of drinking water around the world. The main purpose for the disinfection of drinking water is to protect it against microbial contamination in the distribution systems and to prevent or at least control re-growth of...
Pilot - Plant Experiments For The Removal of Thms, Haas and Doc from Drinking Water by Gac Adsorption- Galatsi Water Treatment Plant, Athens
A pilot-plant study was carried out with the water supply to Athens water works filtered through a granular activated carbon (GAC) filter- adsorber. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of GAC for the removal from drinking water of the two main groups of disinfection by...
Effects of domestic and industrial effluent discharges into the lake and their impact on the drinking water in Pandravedu village, Tamil Nadu, India
Water Quality
Increasing demand for water from agriculture, industrial and domestic sectors, resulted in stress on the water resources both from quantity and quality perspectives. Due to urbanization many of the dyeing units have shifted from urban to nearby rural areas. Here safe disposal of untreated effluent...
Integrated assessment of impact of water resources of important river basins in Eastern India under projected climate conditions
Climate Change Impacts and Societal Adaptation in the Indian Subcontinent
The impact of climate change on water resources through increased evaporation combined with regional changes in precipitation characteristics has the potential to affect mean runoff, frequency and intensity of floods and droughts, soil moisture and water supply for irrigation and hydroelectric power...
Effects of microbiological contamination in the quality of biodiesel fuels
The introduction to the European Market of biodiesel blends along with the minimization of the sulphur content in automotive diesel has rejuvenated the research interest on the microbial stability of diesel fuel. Several microorganisms are able to metabolize hydrocarbons contained in conventional...
Review of Wastewater Reuse in the Mediterranean Countries, Focusing on Regulations and Policies for Municipal and Industrial Applications
The present paper reviews the wastewater reuse regulations, practices and applications of countries around the Mediterranean Region, particularly focusing on reuse practices for municipal and industrial uses. Water scarcity and water need is established in Mediterranean countries using international...
Determination of rainwater harvesting tank size
Water Resources Management
Onsite rainwater harvesting is an inexpensive water source for indoor use; it is also a sustainable water management practice, since it may contribute to the reduction of runoff volume and peaks, and to the control of non-point source pollution. The aim of this paper is to provide a method for...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Sustainable Energy
Sustainable Energy
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Sustainable Energy
Air Quality
Environmental Management and Policies
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Chemicals in the environment
Industrialized Organizational Models and the Green Transformation—Evidence from Pig Farming in China
Circular economy
Chemicals in the environment
Environmental Management and Policies
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Water Quality
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
Environmental Management and Policies
Air Quality