The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
An investigation on parameters for modeling THMs formation
Reactions between natural organic matter (NOM) and chlorine during disinfecting drinking water form trihalomethanes (THMs) and other chlorinated by products (CBPs), some of which are possible carcinogen to human health. A number of models have been developed to predict THMs formation since the...
Assessing the Sensitivity of SWMM to Variations in Hydrological and Hydraulic Parameters: A Case Study for the city of Istanbul
Hydrology and water resources
Overland flow is highly affected by increasing urbanization, and variations in land use and climatic variables, especially in the last few decades. This necessitates the development of modeling approaches for planning and management of catchments that play a significant role on water supply. The...
A Statistical Approach to Estimating Water Quality Parameter: A Case Study on Turkey's Rivers
Water Quality
Monitoring water quality parameters in rivers is of critical importance for decision makers and researchers. However, difficulties such as missing data, test values exceeding certain limits and parameters that are not measured but need to be monitored are among the main problems in monitoring water...
Electrical Conductivity, pH and other soil chemical parameters after sub-irrigation with untreated and treated municipal wastewater in two different soils.
Water and Wastewater Treatment
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of sub-irrigation with untreated and treated municipal wastewater on soil chemical parameters. Three treatments were used: untreated wastewater (U), treated wastewater (T) and tap water (W), being the control treatment, in two soil types, Sandy loam...
Using inverse modeling to estimate parameter values for three dimensional transport of contaminants in Lake Ontario
The Great Lakes form an important freshwater drinking source for many urban areas surrounding the Lakes but also provide a sink for pollutants and runoff. Consequently introducing new drinking water intakes into any of these water bodies requires investigation into local pollutant sources and their...
Use of Multivariate Statistical Analysis for the Assessment of Groundwater Chemical Variations in Wadi Bani Malik Area, Saudi Arabia
Water Quality
Multivariate statistical analysis including cluster analysis, factor analysis and correlation coefficient was applied to the groundwater samples to understand the groundwater condition in Wadi Bani Malik area. Water samples collected from the study area were analysed for physical parameters, major...
Observational Uncertainty in Hydrological Modelling using Data Depth
Hydrology and water resources
For any river basin management, one needs tools to predict runoff at different time and spatial resolutions. Hydrological models are tools which account for the storage, flow of water and water balance in a watershed, which include exchanges of water and energy within the earth, atmosphere and...
Sensitivity analysis of different evapotranspiration methods using a new sensitivity coefficient
The estimation of evapotranspiration is essential in water resources management. Among a group of methods, the Penman–Monteith has been commonly applied to calculate reference evapotranspiration as this method has been also recommended by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. (FAO)...
Seasonal changes in physico-chemical parameters and nutrient load of river sediments in Ibadan City, Nigeria
Seasonal variations in ecological parameters exert a profound effect on the distribution and population density of both animal and plant species (Odum, 1971). The productivity in terms of planktonic biomass in freshwater bodies is regulated by various physico-chemical factors viz., temperature...
Effective Deep Learning based Prediction Model for Groundwater Quality Assessment using Physio-chemical Parameters
Water Quality
The purpose of this study is to anticipate and investigate the groundwater quality in the regions of the Cauvery basin. In the post-monsoon season of 2020, 800 samples were collected from 200 different places for this paper. The AlexNet model is used in this book to forecast the water quality. In...
Environmental data analysis and modelling
To assess the impact of climate change on wind regimes, we performed a statistical analysis of some meteorological parameters. Indeed, variables such as temperature, humidity, pressure, and insolation are rarely or not considered in the estimation of wind regimes and therefore in the...
Temporal and spatial scales of lake processes. Part 1: physical and ecological scales, non-dimensional parameters and flow regimes
Scaling concepts, related to basic physical transport and mixing processes and other ecological aspects in lakes, are reviewed in an ecohydrodynamic perspective; the length and time scales as well as the non-dimensional parameters governing the various flow regimes and relevant to these processes...
Investigation of Biosorption Behavior of Red-254, a Textile Waste Paint on Activated Sugar Beet Pulp
Water and Wastewater Treatment
In this study, activated sugar beet pulp as a biosorbent was used to remove Red-254 dye from aqueous solutions. The contact time, pH, biosorbent dosage and temperature were chosen as the parameters affecting the biosorption process. In the experiments, the batch adsorption technique was used. The...
Measuring 81 characterization parameters from different tropical landfill leachates and potential treatment techniques
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Raw municipal landfill leachate is extremely polluted wastewater and it regards as one of the drawbacks of the sanitary landfill treatment method. If the untreated landfill leachate is discharged to the natural environment, a great problem for the environment can be created, particularly for the...
Statistical Assessment of Water Quality Parameters for Pollution Source Identification in Bektaş Pond (Sinop,Turkey)
Environmental Sciences
This study was carried out between September 2015 and August 2016 in four sampling sites. Water quality of the pond was examined according to sites and seasons, water quality classes were determined and pollution problems were revealed. In addition, the suitability of aquatic life forms has been...
Using an informational entropy-based metric as a diagnostic of flow duration to drive model parameter identification
Calibration of rainfall-runoff models is made complicated by uncertainties in data, and by the arbitrary emphasis placed on various magnitudes of the model residuals by most traditional measures of fit. Current research highlights the importance of driving model identification by assimilating...
New explicit formulations for accurate estimation of aeration-related parameters in steady-state completely mixed activated sludge process
Water and Wastewater Treatment
This paper presents new and explicit equations to estimate aeration-related parameters such as standard oxygen requirement, daily energy consumption and total mass transfer coefficient for the diffused aeration. The proposed formulations are derived for the steady-state completely mixed activated...
Cadmium accumulation and its effects on physiological characteristics of Arundo donax L. in a simulated wetland
CEST2017 - Heavy metals in the environment
A simulated wetland experiment was used to investigate the effect of cadmium (Cd) on the growth of Arundo donax, as well as its photosynthetic characteristics and antioxidant enzyme activities. Cd accumulation in the order of stem < roots < leaves increased gradually with increasing Cd...
Determination of kinetic parameters in a pilot scale BNR system treating municipal wastewater
Kinetics for the biological processes of nitrification, denitrification and carbon oxidation were studied in the aerobic and anoxic phases of a pilot scale Biological Nutrient Removal (BNR) plant treating municipal wastewater. The configuration of the treating system is based on the combination of...
Willingness-to-Pay and Preference Heterogeneity for Service Attributes of Solid Waste Management: An Experience in Kolkata, India
Solid Waste Management
The effects of various socioeconomic characteristics on Willingness-to-Pay (WTP) values for service attributes of Solid Waste Management (SWM) were evaluated in this study. The Stated Choice (SC) data collected from respondents in the Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC) area, India were analyzed...
A New Approach to Assess Wind Potential
Sustainable Energy
Weibull Cumulative Distribution Function (C.D.F.) has been employed to assess and compare wind potentials of two wind stations Europlatform and Stavenisse of The Netherland. Weibull distribution has been used for accurate estimation of wind energy potential for a long time. The Weibull distribution...
Feasibility study of biohydrogen production from pressmud by UASB process and assessment of operating parameters
Anaerobic digestion of pressmud diluted with water for biohydrogen production was performed in continuous fed UASB bio reactor for 120 days. Experiment was conducted at a dilution ratio of 1:7.5, by maintaining constant HRT of 30 hrs and the volume of biohydrogen evolved daily was monitored. Various...
Investigation of the effect of operational parameters and SnO2-coupling on the photocatalytic activity of TiO2
The effect of different operational parameters in UV/TiO2 process, such as initial dye concentration (20-50 mg l-1), light intensity (8-45 W m-2), pH (2.83-10.22), hydrogen peroxide concentration (100-500 mg l-1), temperature (21-45 ˚C) and photocatalyst concentration (150-900 mg l-1) were...
Evaluation of atmospheric concentrations of dl-PCBs comparing to PCDD/F compounds in Istanbul, Turkey
In this study, the seasonal variation of atmospheric concentrations of PCDD/F and Dl-PCB and the effect of meteorological factors on concentration were investigated. Ambient air samples were collected monthly between May 2011 and October 2013 by using high volume samplers. Based on these samples...
Effect of various parameters in removing Cr and Ni from model wastewater by using electrocoagulation
The performance of a laboratory scale electrocoagulation system for the removal of Cr and Ni from model wastewater was studied systematically using iron and aluminum electrodes with an effective surface area of 13.8 cm2 and a distance of 4 cm. The influence of several parameters, such as initial...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Water Quality
Environmental Management and Policies
Air Quality
Ecology, environmental change and management
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Air Quality
Nanomaterials in the environment: applications and effects
Environmental Health
Sustainable Energy
Water Quality
Water Resources Management
Water treatment
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Solid Waste Management
Chemicals in the environment
Water and wastewater reuse