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Circular Economy and public policies in the face of the new normality

  • Authors (legacy)
    Corresponding: Miguel García
    Co-authors: Miguel-Ángel García-Madurga
    Ana-Julia Grilló-Méndez
    Juan-Francisco Delgado-de Miguel
    Miguel-Ángel Esteban-Navarro
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The paradigm of Circular Economy within the framework of sustainable development has been consolidated in recent years. Nowadays, and given the urgency to adopt policies that allow to relaunch the economic activity after the crisis caused by the CoVid-19 pandemic, it is relevant to synthesise the challenges and opportunities that Circular Economy offers, making them affordable for the policymakers. An overview of systematic reviews has enabled to retrieve and summarise the results of the most relevant research in this field. Twenty-five articles have been selected from the main scientific databases. The main findings of their qualitative analysis highlight the role of the government developing adequate regulations, implementing financial initiatives, dynamizing collaborations, performing an effective leadership through management performance and setting a good example for the rest of stakeholders and for society. From them, eleven recommendations that could have a wide and rapid impact in the new scenario are synthesised.

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Miguel?ngel, G. et al. (2022) “Circular Economy and public policies in the face of the new normality”, Global NEST Journal, 24(4). Available at: