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Comparative physiological and biochemial effects of CuO NPs and bulk CuO phytotoxicity onto the maize (Zea mays) seedlings

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    Corresponding: Rasha M. El-Shazoly
    Co-authors: El-Shazoly, R.M, Amro, A.
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Plant nanotoxicology is an emerging and less-explored area of research for the plant stress biologists. The present study assesses the toxicity of bulk-CuO and nano-CuO (size <50 nm and surface area = 29 m2 g-1) on maize (Zea mays cv. hybrids triple white Hi Tech.) seedlings. Five successive levels of stress (25, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg L-1) suspensions of CuO and CuONP were imposed and seedling growth performance was studied along control at 8 days of experiment. Modulation of enzymatic antioxidants (SOD, CAT, APX and POD) and non-enzymatic antioxidants (total phenolics and total flavonoids) activities under both-CuO stresses were investigated in detail to get an overview of their-stress response of maize. Seed germination was completely stopped under 150 and 200 mg L-1CuONP. Generally, CuONP stress was most violent and 100 mg L-1CuONP showed the same or more drastic effect in 150 and 200 Cu bulk. Photosynthetic pigments, shoot and root lengths reduced under both stresses by about 50% of control. Soluble proteins and total antioxidants increased gradually till it reached about 200% of control at 150 mg L-1CuO and about 200-300% at 100 mg L-1CuONP. In addition, increased reducing power activity coupled with both stresses which reached to 400% of control at 150 mg L-1CuO and 100 mg L-1CuONP. Moreover, superoxide dismutase increased by 800% of control at 100 mg. L-1CuONP.

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ElShazoly, R.M. (2019) “Comparative physiological and biochemial effects of CuO NPs and bulk CuO phytotoxicity onto the maize (Zea mays) seedlings ”, Global NEST Journal, 21(3). Available at: