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Relationship between concentrations of heavy metals in children’s scalp hair and the environment. A case study from Kifissos River in Attica, Greece.

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    Corresponding: Aikaterini-Sofia Partsinevelou
    Co-authors: Evrenoglou L., Partsinevelou A.-S. and Nikolopoulou-Stamati P.
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In recent years children’s head hair is a biomarker frequently used for monitoring environmental exposure to heavy metals. Blood, plasma, urine and other tissues analysis were the most popular approaches to evaluate the concentrations of trace elements in human body. However, hair sample is easily collected, stored and readily analyzed. As (arsenic), Cd (cadmium), Hg (mercury), Ni (nickel) and Pb (lead) poses a potential threat to humans. The aim of the study is to link the concentrations of heavy metals in children’s scalp hair with the environmental pollution by presenting an overview of the measurements that have been done in 12-year-old children’s scalp hair living at the municipalities of Kifisia and Kryoneri, in relation with trace metals concentrations in the river water, air and tree leaves at the north zone of Kifissos River in Athens, Greece.

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Partsinevelou, A., Evrenoglou, L. and NikolopoulouStamati, P. (2017) “Relationship between concentrations of heavy metals in children’s scalp hair and the environment. A case study from Kifissos River in Attica, Greece”., Global NEST Journal, 19(4). Available at: