In this paper, ethylene glycol wastewater (EGW) treatment was studied by using one anaerobic polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) gel beads based biofilm reactor. Enhanced by PVA-gel beads based biofilm, organic loading rate (OLR) about 11 g COD l-1 d-1 was achieved at the end of this study. Black PVA-gel beads with an average settling velocity 322 m h-1 (9 cm s-1) and 0.24g VSS g-1 PVA gel mainly composed of Methanosarcina spp. were got, while no natural granules were found in this experiment. The COD removal efficiency in this study could reach a high value about 95%. Most COD removal was contributed by the PVA-gel beads based biofilm. It could be concluded that the PVA-gel beads based biofilm reactor is appropriate for EGW treatment.
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Yue, J., Qinglin, X. and Wenjie, Z. (2016) “High-strength ethylene glycol wastewater treatment in anaerobic polyvinyl alcohol gel beads based biofilm reactor”, Global NEST Journal, 18(1). Available at: https://doi.org/10.30955/gnj.001751.
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