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Measuring of particulate matter levels in the greater area of Athens at two different monitoring sites

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    Corresponding: Cheristanidis S.
    Co-authors: Cheristanidis S., Batsos I. and Chaloulakou A.
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Simultaneous PM10 and PM2.5 sampling was conducted for a six months period, at two sites of different characteristics. The first site was located in an urban background location in the North-Eastern part of GAA, affected by primary emission sources and particle transport from other parts of the GAA basin. The second site was located in central Athens, at a busy roadway, affected by heavy traffic-related and commercial activities. Additionally, continuous field measurements of PM fractions were also performed using direct-reading monitor in parallel with gravimetric samplers. The mean PM10 and PM2.5 concentrations for the sampling period were 26.2 and 13.7μg m-3 and 40.1 and 22.8 μg m-3 for ZOG and ARI, respectively. The PM2.5/PM10 ratio found 0.52 and 0.57 for ZOG and ARI, respectively. The coefficient of variation calculated equal to 0.40 for both fractions. Additionally, the weekday/weekend discernment of the particulate concentration levels for each site display different characteristics of the emission sources and composition, while the diurnal distribution of particulate levels demonstrated the dependence of the PM levels on anthropogenic activities and habits.

Both the local meteorological conditions and the air mass history indicating long-range atmospheric transport of particles are significant parameters that influence the levels of PM.

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Cheristanidis, S., Batsos, I. and Chaloulakou, A. (2014) “Measuring of particulate matter levels in the greater area of Athens at two different monitoring sites”, Global NEST Journal, 16(5). Available at: