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Route time estimation of solid waste collection vehicles based on population density

  • Authors (legacy)
    Apaydin O. and Gunullu M.T.

In this study, a model for stationary container system is presented to estimate collection time based
on population density per 100 m road distance (LPD100). The model also estimates travel and
collection times, and time spent on waiting at stop signs and traffic lights separately for stationary
collection. The main scope of the model is to determine required container number (NC), the number
of container locations (NCL) and collection time with stationary solid waste collection (PTC) based
on LPD100. Model parameters are based on route observation using a video camera of solid waste
collection in 39 districts (having 38.6 sq m area) in Trabzon City in Turkiye. Moreover, a digitized
route map of Trabzon City including many layers such as road distance, container location, road
direction, traffic lights was used to simulate the model. The model was tested using data obtained
from collection route in Erdogdu district in Trabzon, located in Eastern Black Sea of Turkiye.
Compared to observed values form a collection route in Trabzon, the model estimated route time
(RTC) within % 2.9-4.9 of error margin.

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