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Source-receptor relationships by using dispersion model in a lignite burning area in Western Macedonia, Greece

  • Authors (legacy)
    Triantafyllou A.G.
    Krestou A.
    Matthaios V.

Quantifying the contribution of individual sources to air pollution in one area is the first essential step in managing air quality in this region. This is of great interest especially in areas with combined urban and industrial emission sources. The area of Western Macedonia is a very complex in terms of air quality management problem because of large and complex pollution sources operating in the region. The emissions from five lignite power plants (LPP) operating in this region, the corresponding opencast lignite mining, as well as the urban activities in the industrial axis, is a complex problem to quantify the contribution of these sources in a spatial and temporal scale in the region. This paper attempts to quantify the contribution of LPP to the particulate pollution of this region, using PM10 concentrations measurements and simulations. Specifically were used: a) suspended particulate PM10 concentration measurements for a two years period (2009-2010) at various locations in the region and b) simulations of atmospheric dispersion. The results showed that the LPPs contribution to the PM10 concentrations of the regions studied ranged from 27-84% when the background was removed. These results were also confirmed by the corresponding Index of Agreement (IOA) between the mean monthly model calculations and the station measurements after removing the background. The LPPs contribution to the PM10 concentrations was a factor of the distance between the receptor area and the LPP, while the presence of other PM10 sources was found also to contribute at a higher or a lesser extent, depending on the area’s activities (e.g. urban, agricultural etc) and seasonal characteristics.

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