The Global NEST Journal is an open access journal that publishes original research articles, short papers and critical reviews on all aspects of Environmental Science and Technology. These comprise, but are not limited to, Pollution Control Technology, Global Environmental Change, Air Quality, Water Quality, Water and Waste Water Treatment, Solid Waste Management, Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis, Emerging pollutants. Relevant topics incorporating the methodologies and state of the art of disciplines such as Environmental Management Policies, Ecosystems and Natural Resources Management, Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Clean Energy and Sustainability are included.
Submitted manuscripts are initially reviewed by the editor and selected after rigorous peer review by scientists in order to assess the significance, originality and appropriateness for publication.
Articles submitted to Global NEST Journal benefit from its broad scope and readership. We aim for a turnaround time of 4 weeks from submission to first decision.
Global NEST Journal is addressed to professionals in Academic, Consulting Offices, Government Agencies and Organisations, as well as others responsible for the investigations, evaluation of complicated environmental issues of global interest.
The effect of sub-irrigation with untreated and treated municipal wastewater on organic matter and Nitrogen content on two soil types
Water and Wastewater Treatment
In order to study the chemical parameters of the soil after sub-irrigation with wastewater, a system was installed in one of the greenhouses of the Agricultural University of Athens. Wastewater was applied subsurface into the soil mass of the pots were used. Three treatments were used: Untreated...
Natural organic matter fractionation along the treatment of water for human consumption
The main objective of this study was to characterize the organic matter present in raw water and along the treatment process, as well as its seasonal variation. A natural organic matter fractionation approach has been applied to Lever water treatment plant located in Douro River, in Oporto (Portugal...
Removal of natural organic matter from groundwater using fenton’s process
Groundwater in the area of eastern Croatia contains increased concentrations of organic compounds, primarily natural organic matter (NOM). Organic compounds in water become a problem in drinking water treatment, especially during water disinfection with chlorine, when harmful disinfection by...
Modeling and characterization of natural organic matter and its relationship with the THMs formation
Water Quality
Natural organic matter (NOM) has been identified as the prominent precursor for disinfection by-products (DBPs) formation during chlorination. Various studies have shown that the characteristics of NOM influence the Trihalomethanes (THMs) formation mechanism. The present study represents NOM...
Phosphorus and organic matter removal from synthetic wastewater using alum and aluminum hydroxide
At present, chemical processes are widely used to remove phosphorus and organic matter from water or wastewater either as the only advanced treatment method or as a pre-treatment stage to biological treatment, and aluminium salts have been traditionally used as coagulants. In the present study...
An investigation on parameters for modeling THMs formation
Reactions between natural organic matter (NOM) and chlorine during disinfecting drinking water form trihalomethanes (THMs) and other chlorinated by products (CBPs), some of which are possible carcinogen to human health. A number of models have been developed to predict THMs formation since the...
Municipal Sewage Sludge application on cotton cultivations. Effect on yields soil chemical properties and heavy metal concentrations
CEST2017 - Heavy metals in the environment
Application of municipal sewage sludge (MSS) to agricultural soils is a current practice in EU. European legislation permits its use in agriculture when concentrations of metals in soil do not exceed the maximum permissible limits. In order to study the influence of MSS on cotton yield and soil...
Sources and Spatial Variation of Dissolved Organic Matter in Luoma Lake
Water Resources Management
In order to investigate the characteristics, sources and variations in the composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) during the wet and dry seasons in Luoma Lake, UV-vis and 3D-EEMs techniques combined with PARAFAC were used to analyse the changes in DOM content and components in dry and wet...
Treatment of the oilfield-produced water and oil refinery wastewater by using inverse fluidization - A review
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Oilfield wastewater or produced water is a complex mixture contains oil, organic and inorganic matter and other compounds dissolved in water that ranges from fresh to brine. Discharging produced water pollute soil surface and underground water and create environment hassle. The objective of this...
Tracing dispersed coaly-derived particles in modern sediments: an environmental application of organic petrography
A crucial aspect in environmental sciences is related to the transportation, accumulation and fate of solid organic particles not native to the sediments. In this study we present the petrographical features of seven sediment samples obtained from aquatic environments in Sweden, Finland and The...
An experimental and mathematical simulation of biological processes in a sewerage system
Sewer systems may often operate as bioreactors causing considerable wastewater quality changes and in some cases reducing the pollution load conveyed to the treatment plant. Conceptually, transformation of organic matter takes place both in the bulk water (by suspended micro-organisms) and by the...
Performance Evaluation of Sequential Batch Biofilm Reactor for the treatment of Grey Water
Water and Wastewater Treatment
The performance of a Sequential Batch Biofilm Reactor (SBBR) for the treatment of grey water was evaluated using two different bio-carries under different aeration duration. Two biofilm carriers such as fujino spiral and loofah sponge was used for biofilm formation in the reactor. The study...
Biological pretreatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling
The conventional landfilling does not promote sustainable waste management due to uncontrolled emissions which potentially degrade the environment. In this regard, pre-treatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling significantly enhance waste stabilization and provides various advantages...
Indoor mass concentrations of particulate matter in hospital environment
The assessment of the air quality of indoor environment where people usually spend extended time periods, especially for sensitive population groups such as patients during their hospitalization, is of major importance. Ensuring a safe level of air quality in these indoor environment serves as an...
The effect of Iron Ion on Removal Efficiency of Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Using UV/TiO2
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Most of water sources throughout the world contain natural organic matter (NOM), which is the best description as a complex mixture of organic compounds. The effect of iron ion on removal efficiency of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) using UV/TiO 2 photo catalytic oxidation (TiO 2) was examined. In...
Application of sludge, organic solid wastes and yard trimmings in aerobic compost piles
The effects of different mixture ratios of sewage sludge (SS), organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and yard trimmings (YT) on the performance of composting process were investigated in this study. The high water content and the proper carbon/nitrogen ratio make sludge ideal for this...
Co-composting of meat packing wastewater sludge and organic fraction of municipal solid waste
The use of organic manures as amendments to improve soil organic matter level and long term soil fertility and productivity is gaining importance. The disposal of the great quantity of organic wastes produced by the municipal, agricultural and agroindustrial activities, is causing energetic...
A comprehensive study of the high temperature pyrolysis of sewage sludge: kinetics, energy analysis and products formation
Sustainable Energy
This study evaluates the pyrolysis of sewage sludge until 960 °C using heating rates between 3 K/min and 12 K/min in a macro TG/EGA. Mass and energy balances and kinetic parameters are determined. Thermal decomposition is divided into a low temperature zone (until 550 °C to 590 °C), for...
Mercury content in garden soils of urban agglomeration
The study report the degree of mercury contamination in garden soils of urban agglomeration and local sources of heavy metals emission like traffic and coal combustion. The urban soils have been compared with cultivated rural counterparts, developed on similar parent material. Mercury contents in...
Environmental Impact Assessment of Solid Waste Disposal on Groundwater Quality
Water Quality
This study focuses on the impact of solid waste on groundwater quality in the region of Ramayanpatti, Tirunelveli. Tirunelveli city generates 100 tonnes of solid waste in a day. Solid waste has organic matter, inorganic matter, and moisture content which leaches dissolved organic matter, and heavy...
Volatile organic compounds in the finished water of the water treatment plant in Thessaloniki, Greece
Chlorination has been the most widely used technology for the disinfection of drinking water around the world. The main purpose for the disinfection of drinking water is to protect it against microbial contamination in the distribution systems and to prevent or at least control re-growth of...
Treatment of net washing wastewater by Fenton process
Advanced Oxidation Processes
The discharge of wastewater from net washing is one of the most significant problems in the marine ecosystem because of its high organic and saline content. Sea water quality is deteriorated every day due to the high amount of organic matter produced in the aquaculture sector. The aim of this study...
Coke oven wastewater treatment by two activated sludge systems
In this study two bench scale activated sludge systems were used, a CSTR and an SBR for the treatment of coke – oven wastewater. Both reactors were inoculated with activated sludge from a municipal wastewater treatment plant. At the first stages of operation, reactors were feed by a mixture of...
Pilot - Plant Experiments For The Removal of Thms, Haas and Doc from Drinking Water by Gac Adsorption- Galatsi Water Treatment Plant, Athens
A pilot-plant study was carried out with the water supply to Athens water works filtered through a granular activated carbon (GAC) filter- adsorber. The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of GAC for the removal from drinking water of the two main groups of disinfection by...
Behaviour of trace elements during the naturel evaporation of sea water: case of solar salt works of Sfax saline (S.E. of Tunisia)
We have carried out a geochemical study on the behaviour of certain trace elements during the evaporative concentration of free brines (salinity from 41 to 400 ‰) of the solar salt works of Sfax saline (S.E of Tunisia). The elements concerned by this survey are Zinc, Cadmium, Manganese, Molybdenum...
Thematic areas
Circular economy
Climate change and air pollution
Solid waste management
Water and wastewater
Hazardous Substances and Risk Analysis
Water Quality
Environmental Management and Policies
Air Quality
Ecology, environmental change and management
Environmental data analysis and modelling
Air Quality
Nanomaterials in the environment: applications and effects
Environmental Health
Sustainable Energy
Water Quality
Water Resources Management
Water treatment
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Solid Waste Management
Chemicals in the environment
Water and wastewater reuse