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Evaluation of the effect of land use change on runoff using supervised classified satellite data

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    Corresponding: Reza Ghazavi
    Co-authors: Ghazavi R., Samie M., Vali AB., Pakparvar M.
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The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of land use change on runoff in Chenar Rahdar watershed. Land use map of the studied basin was determined using Landsat satellite imagery for 2004 and 2015 using ENVI software. After applying the necessary corrections to the images and field surveys to take the educational points, supervised classification technique and maximum probability algorithm were applied to mapping land use change in the study area. According to results, 6 classes of land use were investigated (bare land, rain fed land, forest land, water agriculture land, rangelands and urban lands). In this study, 21 model parameters were calibrated with monthly runoff using 2004-2012 data and validated using 2012-2015 data. The efficiency coefficient for calibration and validation were between 0.88 and 0.94, respectively. The land use changes trend within the time interval showed that the highest percentage of incremental changes is related to urban lands with 108.45%, whereas, the highest decline was observed for agricultural land with 12.46%. In order to investigate the effect of land use change on surface runoff, different land use maps were applied to SWAT model, supposing constant condition for other parameters of the model. The results show that surface runoff increased by 11%, in 2015 compared to 2004. Comprehensive water management can reduce surface runoff in the watershed. The results showed that if all uncertainties were minimized, the calibrated SWAT model can give acceptable runoff simulation results regarding the land use change. These results can be useful for water and environmental resource managers.

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Ghazavi, R. et al. (2019) “Evaluation of the effect of land use change on runoff using supervised classified satellite data ”, Global NEST Journal, 21(2). Available at: