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Water conservation in the nursery school

  • Authors (legacy)
    Samaltani D. and Christidou V.

Water shortage is an environmental problem that requires changes in terms of thinking and everyday practice. Education for a sustainable development should therefore aim at arousing pupils’ awareness on this issue and inducing rational use of water in future citizens. The present study explores the effectiveness of a program designed for preschool children in promoting their awareness of water shortage and the importance of water conservation. A class of seventeen 5-6 year-old children participated in the study. Initially the relevant pre-existing views of the participants were recorded (pre-test). Subsequently, the program was implemented. It consisted of twelve interdisciplinary activities aiming at enhancing children’s awareness of water conservation both at the level of understanding and at the level of values and attitudes. Finally, the development of children’s awareness was tested (post-test). The results of the study indicate that preschool children are capable of tackling with the value of water for life, the issue of its shortage and the importance of its conservation at a primary level. Water conservation is therefore a topic that can introduce young children to the concepts of man-environment interaction and interdependence, and to assist them in developing the ability to participate in finding solutions to environmental problems.

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