Current Status and Trends of Municipal Sludge Treatment and Disposal in China
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Solid Waste Management
The management of organic waste in urban environments poses significant challenges due to the high volume of waste generated and limited disposal options. Composting is a promising technique for converting organic waste into valuable compost that can be used to improve soil health and reduce the...
Water and Wastewater Treatment
The dairy industry is one of the industries that continues to grow in Indonesia in line with the large demand for dairy foods. Liquid waste originating from the dairy industry has a special character, namely susceptibility to bacteria. This waste is very easy to decompose and if it is not...
Water and Wastewater Treatment
In this study, the aerobic and anaerobic biodegradability of the industrial wastewater from the vegetable tanning process were evaluated. Water from a food wastewater treatment system was used as seed inoculum for the aerobic process and mature granular methanogenic sludge from a brewery industrial...
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Wastewater from textile industry is considered one of the major environmental challenges due to the large volume of highly colored, polluted and toxic effluent. This study investigated the treatability of real textile wastewater by pilot-scale anoxic-aerobic Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) system without...
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Microbial community was determined in a pilot-scale two-stage step-feed biological nutrient removal system treating municipal wastewater with 10 m3 d-1 capacity. Grit chamber effluent at Istanbul Ataköy Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant was used as influent wastewater. In the pilot plant, the...
Solid Waste Management
This paper presents the results of an experimental study carried out in field-scale test cells in order to determine the effect of aeration and leachate recirculation on waste decomposition rate, solid waste characteristics, landfill gas composition and settlement in the landfill body. Four landfill...
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Aerobic granules were cultivated using pure oxygen aeration (POAG) in SBR for wastewater treatment under high organic loading condition (HOLC) to reveal its performance and potential causes. Compared to conventional granules and activated sludge, mature POAG with more compact and dense structure...
Environmental Sciences
Since sequential batch reactor (SBR) system is sequentially removes carbon, nitrogen and phosphorous in a single reactor by maintaining anoxic and aerobic stages, it recently has attracted a great deal of interest. This study evaluates the impact of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) with a SBR...
Environmental Sciences
The discharge of colored textile wastewaters containing dyes with different chemical characteristics into the receiving streams is a problem for toxicological, ecological and also esthetical reasons. Most of dyes are stable, and not easily degradable by the conventional treatment methods, so removal...
Environmental Sciences
A wide range of technologies has been developed for the removal of dyes from wastewaters to decrease their environmental impact. Wastewater containing dyes is generally treated using more than one process such as adsorption/biosorption. In this study, effects of initial pH (2-8), initial azo dye...
Water Quality
Estradiol is known as the indicator of the presence of hormones as Endocrine Disruptor Compounds (EDCs) in water and wastewater. The entrance of these compounds into water resources through daily liquid wastes of societies as well as pharmaceutical industries, ranching, and pathology laboratories...
Solid Waste Management
A comparative economic and life cycle based analysis of five management scenarios for the solid waste generated in the island of Syros was conducted. The LCA part was performed with the LCA – IWM software. The four on-site waste management scenarios were: i) source separation of recyclable materials...
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Raw municipal landfill leachate is extremely polluted wastewater and it regards as one of the drawbacks of the sanitary landfill treatment method. If the untreated landfill leachate is discharged to the natural environment, a great problem for the environment can be created, particularly for the...
Water and Wastewater Treatment
This study aims to investigate the removal of a reactive azo dye (Reactive Red 198) in anaerobic/aerobic sequencing batch reactors (SBR). The total volume of the SBR system used in the study was 10 l. Sludge age was selected as 15 days. The color removal efficiencies varied between 76 to 98% with...
Solid Waste Management
In this work, we performed a detailed full cost accounting for 7 types of existing and planned municipal solid waste management facilities (sanitary landfills, anaerobic digestion, biodrying, incineration, aerobic mechanical and biological, material recovery and waste transfer stations) in Greece...
Wastewaters from fossil fuel refining, pharmaceuticals, and pesticides are the main sources of phenolic compounds. Those with more complex structures are often more toxic than the simple phenol, and yet little is known about the treatment of wastewater containing a mixture of phenolic pollutants....
A bench-scale biofiltration system was developed to evaluate the NOx removal efficiency under high oxygen concentration. The system had been running for 120 days and kept on a steady NOx removal rate above 80%. A stable NOx removal with an efficiency of more than 80% from the gas phase can be...
The conventional landfilling does not promote sustainable waste management due to uncontrolled emissions which potentially degrade the environment. In this regard, pre-treatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling significantly enhance waste stabilization and provides various advantages...
The effects of different mixture ratios of sewage sludge (SS), organic fraction of municipal solid waste (OFMSW) and yard trimmings (YT) on the performance of composting process were investigated in this study. The high water content and the proper carbon/nitrogen ratio make sludge ideal for this...
Composting of organic solid wastes is gaining in importance worldwide, in the frame of integrated municipal solid waste management and, in particular, the diversion of biodegradables from landfilling. At the post-consumer stage, this can be achieved by composting practices ranging from large-scale...
A set of anaerobic-anoxic-aerobic (A2/O) bio-reactor system was used to treat domestic sewage mixed with landfill leachate and fecal sewage in Datansha Sewage Treatment Plant in Guangzhou China. The experiment investigated the optimal mixing proportion of treating landfill leachate, fecal sewage...
Biological treatment (aerobic and anaerobic) of industrial landfill leachate is limited by the presence of toxic contaminants (e.g., heavy metals) and recalcitrant (biopersistent) organics (e.g., polyphenols, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, etc.,), hindering viable conditions for biomass proliferation...
Green waste (leaves, grass and shredded twigs) was composted for 5.5 months in a wooden composting bioreactor, of 1 m3 capacity, using both passive convective aeration, facilitated by the design of the bioreactor, and manual turning. Temperature was measured daily, while samples were analysed for...
Sewer systems may often operate as bioreactors causing considerable wastewater quality changes and in some cases reducing the pollution load conveyed to the treatment plant. Conceptually, transformation of organic matter takes place both in the bulk water (by suspended micro-organisms) and by the...