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Postal Address
Lab of Analytical Chemistry, Panepistimiopolis
Postal Code
Mobile Phone
0030 6974116385
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Work Phone
0030 210 7274317
  • 2013 - : Associate Professor, Chemistry Dept., UoA
  • 2008 - 2013: Assistant Professor, Chemistry Dept., UoA
  • 2003 - 2008: Lecturer, Chemistry Dept., UoA
  • 2001 - 2003: General Chemistry State Laboratory
  • 1999 – 2001: Residue Analysis Laboratory in Foodstuff of Animal Origin (National Reference Laboratory), Ministry of Agriculture
  • 1998: Visiting Research, MiTAC, Dep. Of Chemistry, Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen (U.I.A), Belgium
  • 1998 - 2003: Visiting Assist. Professor and Research Associate, Dep. of Environmental Studies, University of the Aegean
    Coordinator of 18 projects and research associate in 10
  • Member of the Advisory Board of Analytical Methods (RSC) (2011- ); Member of the Editorial Board of GNEST Journal (2008- ); Associate Editor of Analytical Letters (2011- ); Guest Editor of Chemosphere (2013), Journal of Hazardous Materials (2012) and Analytica Chimica Acta (2004)
  • Reviewer for 48 international journals covered by ISI
  • Conferences organization: Chairman (7th AACD, 2010 & Metal Speciation Symposium, 1999), member of organizing committee (4 conf.) and member of the scientific committee (5 conf.)

Personal data:

Analytical Chemistry
Chemistry Department University of Athens, Greece

Contact data:

Analytical Chemistry
Sector: Analytical, Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Sector I)
Chemistry Department University of Athens, Greece
Phone: +30 210 7274317 (office)
Fax: +30 210 7274750 (office)
Email: Web page

Current research:

  • Electrospray Ionization / Mass Spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS)
  • Advanced and data-dependant mass spectrometric studies for ultra-trace screening determinations
  • Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography (HILIC)
  • Elemental speciation and hyphenated techniques
  • Emerging contaminants and (bio)transformation products
  • Chemometrics (supervised-unsupervised techniques, ANNs)

Honors and associations:

  • Highly cited author award (2007-2009) of Journal of Chromatography A, 2010
  • Three awards at Recent Advances on Food Analysis (RAFA), Prague, CZ (R.W. Frei Award in 2007, CAMO award in 2009, Agilent award in 2011)
  • Best poster award at 4th AACD, Turkey, 2004
  • Two fellowships from IAEAC (1999, 1995), two from RSC (1995, 1994) and three national scholarships (IKY: 1999, 1991 and Vostanio Foundation: 1986)
Physicochemical. Irrigation, dumpsite, freshwater, geoochemical analyses,ARIMA, Autocorrelation, Drinking Water, Special Cause Control Chart, Turbidity, pH ,Keywords: groundwater, arsenic, chemical contaminants, mining area, factor analysis,contamination, environment, ground water, industry, Turkey,Physico-chemical; Multivariate statistics; Ennore Creek; Nutrient cycles,Performance Evaluation , Water Treatment Plant,liquid-liquid extraction, spectrophotometric technique, selective separation, H2BMPDE.,Correlation, nitrate, nitrite, chloride, sulfate, natural waters. ,Ni(II) ions, Eucalyptus Myrtsceae leaves, adsorption, kinetic, thermodynamic ,Estuary; Sediment; Cluster analysis; Principal component analysis,Cadmium, Chromium, Biosolvent, Azadirachta indica leave powder, Biosorbents, and Langmuir and Freundlich isotherms.,Water quality, surface waters, groundwater, water quality index, water parameters,Salinity, Water quality, Piper diagram, Kelly index, Nitrate ,Soil, heavy metal accumulation, assessment of elemental interactions, heavy metal pollution.,arsenic, biochar, empty fruit bunch, Freundlich, Langmuir, rice husk ,Seasonal variation, Physicochemical characteristics, Surface water quality, Statistical analysis,heavy metal, Trepça and Sitnica Rivers, multivariate cluster analysis, quality of water,environment, integrated water resources management, Jiu River course, pollutants, mathematical forecasting model.,Shiraz, Dorudzan Reservoir, Water Quality, CWQI,Key words: Trace metal, Sitnica River, contamination, ICP/OES. ,Aquifers, Groundwater, Hydrochemistry, Seawater intrusion, Bangladesh, heavy metal, Cations,city, ecology, phytoremediation, Festuca rubra rubra, hyperaccumulator, lead, zinc, Moscow,red mud, slag, iron oxyhydroxides, sorption, waste water,Aridland soil, Launaea mucronata, Calotropis procera, Histoarchitecture, Lipid peroxidation, Fertility, embryo, testes ,Trace heavy metals, drinking water standards,Wastewater, Cadmium, Adsorption, Pumice-Modified Iron Nanoparticles ,Chitosan modified bentonite, Metal removal, water purification,soil pollution, environmental monitoring, chemical analysis,Soil contamination, heavy metals, aromatic plants, essential oil, phytoextraction,Lake water, correlation, dye-industry effluent, domestic sewage. ,PAHs, Toxicity, Carcinogenic, GC, PUF, Pollutants, Plants, Meriones libycus, Mus musculus, Liver, Kidney, Fur,geogenic enrichment, human pollution, environmental indicators, groundwaer chemistry, fractionation equation,Leachate age, landfill, molecular weight.,Flow injection analysis, Iron, Spectrophotometric determination, 1-nitroso-2-naphthol-3,6 sulphonate,Environmental pollution, micronutrient element, sunflower seed, Thrace Region,Pea peels, kinetics, thermodynamics, equilibrium,multivariate, analysis, concentration, statistical, wadi,bio-indicators; apicultural products; CVAAS; toxic elements ,Developing countries, Groundwater Resources, Vulnerability assessment, Semi-arid region,Saline-sodic soil, mixed contaminants, pilot scale, electrokinetic-adsorption, activated carbon, soil and groundwater remediation,bark, cadmium, sorbent, isotherm, thermodynamic. ,Removal, As(III), CeO2, Sawdust, Nanocomposite, Column system ,Aromatic compounds, Natural organic matter, equilibrium isotherm,sediment, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, Manakudy estuary.,Cluster analysis, Principal component analysis, Estuary, Intertidal, Anthropogenic effect, Multivariate statistical method,Heavy metals, Nile Tilapia, African river prawn, Lake Asejire,street dust, toxic heavy metals, health, Igeo, ecological risk,Lead, mercury, air pollution,Clay Minerals, Heavy Metals, Ilesa-Akure, Metal Migration, Roadside Soil, Soil Contamination,Hydro sedimentology, metals in urban rivers, diffuse pollution,Psychiatric drugs, risk assessment, wastewater,water, radon, annual effective dose, RAD7, GIS, soil properties,Atomic absorption spectrometry , Toxic metal, Edible salt, Safety, Iran.,Rice, pesticides residues, MRL, Turkish Food Codex, Trifloxystrobin.,estradiol, slaughterhouse wastewater, Ahvaz, Karun River, domestic wastewater, batch, chromium (VI), removal, soil rich in kaolinite and ferrinatrite.,Correlation study; Principle component analysis; Particulate matter; Scanning Electron Microscopy- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy; Trace metals,Phosphorus, Volumetric, Conductometric, Potentiometric, Trace and Toxic metals, AAS,Adsorption, date palm waste, large-scale, wastewater treatment,micro-elements, macro-elements, honey, pollen, propolis, bees,Copper removal, Batch reactor, Fixed bed reactor, Mahogany tree shavings ,Biosorption, Cr (III), Zn (II), Ni (II), Kinetic, Thermodynamic, Cyanophyta algae, Blast furnace slag, Tannery wastewater, Nickel, fabric fly ash,Pollution, Total Organic Carbon, Leaching, Trace metals,Column tests,Stone cutting waste, slurry, Ni, Coagulation, recycling,Trace elements, water, sediments, fish, multivariate analysis,wastewater, stabilization pond, lead , Moroccan clay, isotherm.,Maize, drought, kinematic analysis,groundwater, total coliform, water quality, Health risk index, target cancer risk, Abakaliki, Qara-Sou River, Cyprinion macrostomum, Chondrostoma regium,Street dust, Surface soil, Traffic, Metals, Metalloids, Chemical speciation,Neonicotinoid; Cyclic voltammetry; Square wave voltammetry; Pretreated glassy carbon electrode; Boron doped diamond electrode; Detection; Quantification.,Black Sea, Mercury, Physico-chemical parameters, Enrichment factor, Contamination factor ,electro deposition; leaching; spent battery; ultrasonication,bioconcentration, crop safety, translocation,Arundo donax, antioxidant enzymes, chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange parameters,recycling techniques, mechanical treatments, pyrometallurgy, hydrometallurgy, biometallurgy, precious metals, rare earth elements. ,Keywords: landfill waste, leachate, land contamination, etc.,trivalent chromium, Sodium polyacrylate, thermodynamic parameters,Bioadsorbent, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Yeast, Amoxicillin, Aqueous Solutions, Heinsia crinita, attenuation, effluent, desorption,Morus alba, thermodynamic,Wastewater treatment; pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs); removal efficiency,Bioflocculant, Heavy metal, Industrial wastewater, Treatment,Heavy metal, bio-filtered wastewater, chromium,Pollution Control Technology, Risk Analysis, Pot Experiments, Zeolite, Metal-bioaccumulator, Sustainable crop ,air pollution, emission, powder substances, asphalt mixture, production, hot process
Assignment statistics
Total assignments: 140
Accepted assignments: 87
Rejected assignments: 53
Pending assignments: 0
Removed assignments: 0
Pending reviews: 0
Completed reviews: 50
Last assignment accepted: 18-07-2018
Last assignment rejected: 07-10-2024
Last assignment completed: 15-10-2024