Recent publications
Sustainable surfactant removal and wastewater reuse in carwash systems using natural zeolite
Water and Wastewater Treatment
Jordan is the world’s second water-poorest country. Treating and reusing of wastewater are significantly important at the national level. This research aims to investigate the use of natural and modified Zeolite for the removal of Methylene Blue Active Substances (MBAS) and lead (Pb), major...
carwash wastewater
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Arid Lands Flood Evaluation and Mitigation Measures Using HEC-HMS Model and Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Climate change mitigation and adaptation
This study emphasis on draining and slowing runoff volumes in arid and semi-arid lands regions using HEC-HMS model linked with various Best Management Practices (BMPs) alternatives. The proposed methods may help significantly in reducing flash flood precipitation and improving instream water quality...
Flash Flood
Arid Land
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