The Editors will welcome contributions from all parts of the World. Manuscripts for publication should be submitted online. All authors after acceptance for publication of their paper must sign the "Transfer of Copyright" agreement before the article can be published. This transfer agreement enables Global NEST Journal to protect the copyrighted material for the authors but does not relinquish the author's proprietary rights. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprint, photographic reproductions, microform or any other reproductions of similar nature and translations, and includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including reproduction or publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems. Authors are responsible for obtaining from the copyright holder permission to reproduce any figures for which copyright exists.
For the manuscripts submitted after 1st January 2019, an Article Processing Charge of 300 euros will be charged for the papers accepted for publication after peer-review. The fee will help us cover managing costs, editorial costs as well as upgrading our online system on a regular basis.
Papers submitted for publication will be refereed and assessed based on the aims of the Journal as stated at the front of this issue. They are subject to a minimum of two external peer reviews.
Manuscripts must be written in English and should be checked by a native speaker for spelling and grammar if possible. In case heavy language editing is still needed after the acceptance of the paper, the authors will be guided from the Editorial Office on how to use services for improving the quality of the manuscript before its final publication.
Research Papers are considered presentations of fully documented and interpreted significant findings.
Research Notes are considered presentations of preliminary but significant findings of work in progress for which full documentation is not yet available; or presentations of significant findings or brief studies.
Technical papers are contributions that describe and interpret the results of original investigations.
State-of-the-Art Reviews on specific subject areas are published periodically. Those who wish to submit such a review should contact the Assistant Executive Editor before preparing the manuscript.
A Discussion should focus on the published paper introducing new material that is required to clearly establish the writer's point.
Authors wishing to introduce extensive new data will be encouraged to submit a manuscript for publication as a Research Note.
Presentations of Regional Environmental Programs are also welcomed.
Manuscript Submission and ReviewManuscripts submission implies that the work described has not been published before; that it is not under consideration for publication anywhere else; that its publication has been approved by all co-authors if any, as well as by the responsible authorities – tacitly or explicitly – at the institute where the work has been carried out. The publisher will not be held legally responsible should there be any claims for compensation. On acceptance, authors will be asked to transfer copyright of the paper to the Global NEST Journal. No page charges are applied to accepted manuscripts and membership in Global NEST is not a prerequisite for publication. Publication is contingent upon the recommendation of peer reviewers. If pertinent references are "in press" or unpublished, copies or information should be furnished to enable the reviewers to evaluate the manuscript.
Notification from the Executive Editor to the corresponding author will include suggested revisions or reasons for rejection. Manuscripts will not be formally accepted until a signed copyright transfer form has been submitted by the author(s).
Manuscript FormatA template of the submitted manuscripts can be downloaded here. Please make sure you do not exceed the word limit (8000 words including title, abstract and references for research papers).
A graphical abstract that could be inserted in your manuscript's first page is required.
The manuscript must be, one column, double-spaced, with a font size (Times New Roman) of 12 points and custom margins on one side of A4 paper (margins: top and bottom 2 cm, right and left 2 cm). Line numbers should be enabled. Page numbers are not required. A cover page should be included, with the authors' names and their affiliations, a page with the abstract follows and then the paper following the structure provided in the template. The corresponding author should be identified (include a fax number and e-mail address). Full postal addresses must be given for all co-authors.
All manuscripts should be carefully edited to eliminate redundancy. All abbreviated terms should be explained on the first occurrence.
Manuscripts should begin with an Abstract of up to 200 words that contains concise factual information on objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. Opinions, obscure terms, and jargon should be avoided.
Key Word Index should follow, including a maximum of 10 Keywords. Avoid words that are referred to in the title.
An Acknowledgement section may follow the Conclusions.
Instructions on graphical abstractsThe graphical abstract is a visual representation of your research focusing on the main results or the main findings of the article. A concluding figure of your paper can be used, or a design made for this purpose. Its goal is to provide the main information to the readers at a glance.
The graphical abstract will be displayed when the manuscript is in press, in the proofs and in the published papers. There is no need to submit it separately, it can be inserted inside the text before the abstract.
A list of the cited references alphabetized by the last name of the first author cited must be included at the end of the manuscript; include the names of all contributing authors. In the text, refer to the author name, without initials, and the year of publication. If the same author(s) is cited in more than one publication in the same year, lower case letter (a, b, c...) are appended to the year in the first and succeeding citations. For three or more authors use the first author followed by "et al.", in the text.
References should be given as in the following examples, for books, articles in journals, papers in contributed volume or proceedings of conferences and reports:
- Sawyer C.N., McCarty P.L. and Parkin G.F. (1994), Chemistry for Environmental Engineering, Fourth Edition, McGraw Hill, New York.
- Lekkas T. and Gosh, C.D. (1996a), Treatment of hazardous waste, Global NEST Journal, 8, 98-121.
- Bennarie M.M. (1982), Air pollution modeling operations and their limits, In: Mathematical Models for Planning and Controlling Quality, Fronza G. and Melli P. (Eds.), Pergamon Press, UK.
- Lekkas T. and Gosh C.D. (1996b), Survey of hazardous waste sources, Rep. No. 12345, U.S. EPA, Washington D.C.
Only written papers that have been published in the literature should be referenced. If necessary, to reference an unpublished work, follow the example given:
- Rajasekar, A. (1989), Semantics for logic programs, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computed Science, University of Maryland.
For online citations (web sites) date of access should be included.
Manuscript LengthManuscripts for Research Papers should be no more than 8000 wordspages in length (10 pages for Research Notes and Technical Papers) and should follow the general format for Research Papers.
Discussions of Research Papers and Research Notes should be no more than 2 single-spaced pages in length, including tables and figures, which should be kept to a minimum.
Tables and FiguresTabular or graphical data should be adequately discussed in the text. Similar data should not be presented in both figures and tables. List of tables and figure captions should be listed separately on a single sheet.
Tables are to be concise and contain only the information essential to the text. Columns containing few entries or full columns of data that vary only slightly should be avoided. Judicious use of table footnotes can greatly simplify the presentation.
Graphs should be used to support correlations or illustrate points made in the text, not merely to present data. Legends identifying curves should be contained within the graphs, not in the captions. Graphs and line drawings should be drawn carefully and must be large enough for clarity. All graphs and figures should be of sufficient quality to ensure that they are legible when printed (at least 300 dpi).
Dot matrix or impact computer printouts using fabric ribbons or tracings are unacceptable. Figures and tables should be incorporated into the main body of the text.
Units and EquationsAll data in the text, figures and tables must be reported in metric notation and International System of Units (SI) nomenclature. Conversion of any non-metric data will be requested from the author before publication. Use negative indices rather than / and leave space between symbols, e.g. m s-1 not ms-1 or m/s. English units may follow the metric quantities in parentheses.
Nomenclature should conform to that most frequently used in the engineering field concerned.
Equations and formulas should be numbered separately and sequentially throughout the text. All variables and special symbols, such as Greek letters, must be clearly identified and explained, including units when appropriate.
Equations should be written using Microsoft Equation Editor or a similar application and should be editable and not as image or any other non-editable form.
PhotographsSubmission of photographs should be limited to those essential to an adequate understanding of the text. When necessary, photographs should be sharp and glossy. Black-and-white and color photographs color are equally accepted.
Proofs and ReprintsPage proofs will be checked online. Corrections to the proofs must be restricted to typing errors. Please note that authors are urged to check their proofs carefully since late corrections cannot be guaranteed for inclusion in the printed journal.
Correspondence and InquiriesAll correspondence and inquiries regarding reprints, manuscript preparation or the status of manuscripts should be directed to the Executive Editors.
Postal Address:
Global NEST Journal
University of the Aegean
30, Voulgaroktonou str.
GR 114 72 GREECE