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Application of a continuous Rainfall-Runoff model to the basin of Kosynthos river using the hydrological software HEC-HMS

Paper Topic: 
Water Resources Management

Pages :
188 - 203

Corresponing Author: 
Konstantinos Kaffas
Kaffas K. and Hrissanthou V.
Paper ID: 
Paper Status: 
Date Paper Accepted: 
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In this paper, the application of a continuous rainfall-runoff model to the basin of Kosynthos River (district of Xanthi, Thrace, northeastern Greece), as well as the comparison of the computational runoff results with field discharge measurements are presented. The rainfall losses are estimated by the widely known Soil Conservation Service-Curve Number model, while the transformation of rainfall excess into direct runoff hydrograph is made by using the dimensionless unit hydrograph of Soil Conservation Service. The baseflow is computed by applying an exponential recession model. The routing of the total runoff hydrograph from the outlet of a sub-basin to the outlet of the whole basin is achieved by the Muskingum-Cunge model. The application of this complex hydrologic model was elaborated with the HEC-HMS 3.5 Hydrologic Modeling System of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. The results of the comparison between computed and measured discharge values are very satisfactory.


Continuous rainfall-runoff model; Kosynthos River; Soil Conservation Service; Muskingum-Cunge model; HEC-HMS.